Wednesday, July 25, 2007

iPhone - do u like it ??

Hacker like any new kind of toys....
The long-term viability of the iPhone is unlikely to be seriously damaged by reports of a serious security vulnerability that allows hackers to take over the device.
Most early iPhone adopters have bought into the Apple mythology which convinces them that anything blessed by Steve Jobs is automatically desirable, so we won't see a mass return of the shiny devices with their slick interface.
And we've all learned to live with bugs, crashes, malicious software and the many other hassles that come with modern computers.
An insecure phone is just another thing to add to the list of things that can go wrong, and Apple will soon release a patch to fix the problem, because the iPhone, gets regular updates to its operating software just like Mac OS X, Windows and Linux.
Unruly Oxford students have been tracked down by the university authorities, a beauty queen in the USA has been blackmailed over supposedly private photos, and employees have been told that their employers may own any profiles or contacts lists they create using work computers.
believe it or not, it is not safe.
In the networked world people can find out these things about me, and so anyone who wants to verify my identity should realise that they can no longer rely on them in any way. If they continue to do so then they should be responsible for the consequences, not me.

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