Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Wen Jiabao inspected Beijing Olympics construction

July 17, the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau Standing Committee and the State Council, Premier Wen Jiabao came to the Beijing Olympic stadium construction site. called on the builders, the construction of sports facilities for the Games and the Olympic Games organized explicitly demanded. 这是温家宝在被称为“水立方”的国家游泳中心听取工程建设情况介绍。This is Wen Jiabao, known as the "water cube" National Swimming Center to the construction briefing. 新华社记者黄敬文摄Xinhua News Agency reporters Huang Jing and Wen She

新华网北京7月17日电(记者贺劲松)中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理温家宝17日来到北京奥运场馆建设工地,看望工程建设者,对奥运场馆建设和奥运会筹办工作提出明确要求。Xinhuanet, Beijing July 17 (Xinhua) -- The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao arrived in Beijing on the 17th Olympic venues construction site, and called on the builders. Construction of Olympic venues and the Olympic Games organized explicitly demanded.

上午9时许,温家宝在中共中央政治局委员、北京市委书记刘淇、市长王岐山等陪同下,先后考察了国家游泳中心、曲棍球场、奥体中心体育馆、国家体育场,详细了解工程建设及进展情况。At about 0900, Wen Jiabao, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Liu Qi, secretary of Beijing Municipal Party Committee, Accompanied by Mayor Wang Qishan, visited the National Swimming Center, field hockey, Olympic Sports Center Stadium, National Stadium, a detailed understanding of the construction and progress. 在被称为“水立方”的国家游泳中心,工程技术人员介绍说,这项工程采用多面体钢结构,屋顶和墙面由充气气枕构成,多项技术处于世界领先水平。In what has been described as "Water Cube" National Swimming Center, engineering and technical personnel said that the many facets of this project using steel, roofs and walls from inflatable pillow gas composition, a number of technology is the world's leading standard. 当得知各项工程进展顺利,并且大量采用节能环保技术时,温家宝十分高兴。When he learned that the smooth progress of the various projects, and large use of energy-saving and environmentally friendly technology, Wen Jiabao very pleased. 他说,中国办奥运会不讲排场,在奥运工程建设中要节约每一滴水,节约每一度电,把节能和环保落实到每一项工程。He said that China hosting the Olympics not ostentatious, in the construction of the Olympics to save every drop of water, conservation of each unit of electricity, to energy conservation and environmental protection to every one works.

温家宝十分关心工程建设者的工作和生活情况。Wen Jiabao is very concerned about the builders of the work and living conditions. 每到一个工地,他都仔细询问工人能不能按时领到工资,上没上保险,以及家里的情况。Every one site, he asked detailed questions about the workers can get paid on time, never on insurance, and home situation. 在曲棍球场,温家宝和几位来自安徽的农民工亲切交谈。In field hockey, Wen Jiabao and several from Anhui farmers cordial conversation. 他说,这里是你们的第二故乡。He said, here is your second home. 将来你们回想起来在北京建过奥运场馆,是一件值得自豪的事情。You will recall in Beijing built up over Olympic venues, is a matter of pride. 气势宏伟的国家体育场可容纳9万多名观众,来自各个建设单位的数千名建设者正在工地上紧张施工。There magnificent stadium can accommodate 90,000 spectators, all construction units from the thousands of builders are on the site where construction. 温家宝走到工人当中,同他们一一握手,向工人们致以问候。Wen Jiabao go workers, shook hands with them, to extend my greetings to the people. 他对大家说,奥运场馆建设目前进入冲刺阶段,大家冒着酷暑,夜以继日地奋战在工地上,一丝不苟地完成各项任务,祖国感谢你们,人民感谢你们。He told us that, the building of Olympic venues now entered the last stage, we braved the heat, day and night fighting on the site, scans accomplished various tasks, thank you for the motherland and the people are grateful to you. 希望你们兢兢业业,善始敬终,把奥运场馆建设好。I hope you will work hard, good before King finally, a good job in building the Olympic venues.

温家宝听取了北京市关于奥运场馆建设和奥运会筹办情况的汇报,对北京市、奥组委的工作给予充分肯定。Wen Jiabao in Beijing to listen to the construction of Olympic venues and the Olympic Games organizing a briefing for the city, BOCOG's work and fully affirmed. 他指出,举办奥运会是多少代中国人的梦想,这个梦想就要实现了。He pointed out that hosting the Olympic Games is the number of generations of the Chinese people's dream, this dream will become a reality. 奥运会的举办将极大地鼓舞全国人民,推动国家经济社会发展,搞好现代化建设。The holding of the Olympic Games will greatly inspire the people of the whole country to promote national economic and social development and modernization construction. 我们有信心有能力把奥运会办好。We have the confidence and ability to run the Olympics. 现在到奥运会开幕还有388天,奥运场馆建设和奥运会筹办工作一刻也不能放松。Now to the opening of the Olympics still 388 days, the Olympic venues and the Olympic Games preparation work can not be relaxed moment. 温家宝对场馆建设提出五点要求:一要保证工程质量、安全;二要突出环保、节能;三要加强组织、管理;四要做到节俭、廉洁;五要搞好赛后利用。For the construction of sports facilities Wen Jiabao put forward five-point demand : a project to ensure quality and safety; 2 to highlight environmental protection, energy saving; Third, we must strengthen the organization, management; 4 To achieve frugality, honesty; After the match five to improve use.

温家宝最后强调,成功举办奥运会要搞好“两个服务”,得到“两个支持”。Finally, Wen Jiabao stressed that the successful hosting of the Olympic Games should be paid to "2", to be "two support." 既要搞好对奥运会的服务,又要搞好对群众的服务,使奥运会的举办既得到国际社会的支持,又得到全国人民的支持。While ensuring the Olympics, but also improve services to the masses. make the Games to be held on the both the support of the international community, get the support of the entire people.

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